Арматура кабельная, крепеж и аксессуары для кабеля

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Анкерный зажим для СИП-3 РА 2210 Rpi (95-120)

Анкерный зажим РА 2210 (Импульс) Сечение 95-120 Разруш. Нагрузка 30 кН (18 шт) Применяется для крепления проводов к натяжным изоляторам на концевых и угло- вых опорах. Зажим выполнен из коррозионностойкого алюминиевого сплава и полимера, стойкого к погодно-климатическим условиям.
Код поставщика 01-03008
Класс ETIM EC004661 - Крепление линии силового кабеля/провода для воздушных линий электропередач
Код РАЭК 2921177

Анкерный зажим для СИП-3 РА 2210 Rpi (35-70)

Анкерный зажим РА 2210 (Импульс) Сечение 35-70 Разруш. нагр. 20 кН (18 шт) Применяется для крепления проводов к натяжным изоляторам на концевых и угло- вых опорах. Зажим выполнен из коррозионностойкого алюминиевого сплава и полимера, стойкого к погодно-климатическим условиям.
Код поставщика 01-03006
Класс ETIM EC004661 - Крепление линии силового кабеля/провода для воздушных линий электропередач
Код РАЭК 2921176

25-150 mm²

PK555 is used for preventing water entry into the end of the branch cable.
Код поставщика PK555
Класс ETIM EC000218 - Заглушка/капа усаживаемая (термоусадочная/холодной усадки)
Код РАЭК 1582898

4-50 mm²

PK553 is used for preventing water entry into the end of the branch cable.
Код поставщика PK553
Класс ETIM EC000218 - Заглушка/капа усаживаемая (термоусадочная/холодной усадки)
Код РАЭК 1582897

Cable end cap 120/57 mm

Cable end caps are used to protect the cable ends against moisture and dirt. The end caps are useful especially when the cables are stored outdoors. The caps are suitable for both plastic and belted paper insulated 1 kV cables as well as for telecommunication cables. They are UV resistant and halogen free and with adhesive. The colour is black.
Код поставщика SEC1.7
Класс ETIM EC000218 - Заглушка/капа усаживаемая (термоусадочная/холодной усадки)
Код РАЭК 1583459

Cable end cap 75/32 mm

Cable end caps are used to protect the cable ends against moisture and dirt. The end caps are useful especially when the cables are stored outdoors. The caps are suitable for both plastic and belted paper insulated 1 kV cables as well as for telecommunication cables. They are UV resistant and halogen free and with adhesive. The colour is black.
Код поставщика SEC1.5
Класс ETIM EC000218 - Заглушка/капа усаживаемая (термоусадочная/холодной усадки)
Код РАЭК 1583457

Cable end cap 63/24 mm

Cable end caps are used to protect the cable ends against moisture and dirt. The end caps are useful especially when the cables are stored outdoors. The caps are suitable for both plastic and belted paper insulated 1 kV cables as well as for telecommunication cables. They are UV resistant and halogen free and with adhesive. The colour is black.
Код поставщика SEC1.4
Класс ETIM EC000218 - Заглушка/капа усаживаемая (термоусадочная/холодной усадки)
Код РАЭК 1583456

Cable end cap 40/15 mm

Cable end caps are used to protect the cable ends against moisture and dirt. The end caps are useful especially when the cables are stored outdoors. The caps are suitable for both plastic and belted paper insulated 1 kV cables as well as for telecommunication cables. They are UV resistant and halogen free and with adhesive. The colour is black.
Код поставщика SEC1.3
Класс ETIM EC000218 - Заглушка/капа усаживаемая (термоусадочная/холодной усадки)
Код РАЭК 1583455

Cable end cap 15/5 mm

Cable end caps are used to protect the cable ends against moisture and dirt. The end caps are useful especially when cables are stored outdoors. The caps are suitable for both plastic and belted paper insulated 1 kV cables as well as for telecommunication cables. They are UV resistant and halogen free and with adhesive. The colour is black.
Код поставщика SEC1.1
Класс ETIM EC000218 - Заглушка/капа усаживаемая (термоусадочная/холодной усадки)
Код РАЭК 1583453

6,35/11 (12) kV 3x-3x35-95 mm² three core armoured without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV armoured cables with XLPE insulation and copper tape shield on each core. The kit is suitable for three core cables. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also the components needed for shielding and earthing including a galvanized steel canister for mechanical protection. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ33.1212R
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580407

6/10 (12) kV 3x-3x10-95 mm² three core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for three core cables. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included. The kit contains the components to increase the core diameter and the outer sheath diameter, when the cable sizes 3x10 - ...
Код поставщика HJ33.1201
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580397

12/20 (24) kV 1x-1x630-1000 mm² single core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes the shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint and shear head bolt connectors ...
Код поставщика HJ11.2406C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580396

6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x400-630 mm² single core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes the shear head bolt cable connectors suitable both for aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint and shear head bolt connectors ...
Код поставщика HJ11.1205C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580381

6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x150-300 mm² single core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes the shear head bolt cable connectors suitable both for aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint and shear head bolt connectors ...
Код поставщика HJ11.1204C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580379

12/20 (24) kV 1x-1x185-400 mm² single core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ11.24045
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580390

6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x630-1000 mm² single core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ11.1206
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580382

6/10 (12) kV 3x-3x150-300 mm² three core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for three core cables. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ33.1204
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580403

6/10 (12) kV 3x-3x185-400 mm² three core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for three core cables. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ33.1205
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580405

12/20 (24) kV 3x1-3x70-300/Cu AHXAMK-W three core to three core with copper wire shield

The additional kit is used when jointing of max. 24 kV 3 core cables with copper wire shield to AHXAMK-W cables. HJW11 or CJWH type basic kit is needed. The kit includes all the additional components needed for jointing: heat shrink insulating tubes, a heat shrink spreader cap, sealing mastic, a copper outlet conductor, copper braid tape.
Код поставщика SJEW43
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1583534

MV CC 150-241 mm²

The SEW31 is used for temporary earthing for Medium Voltage Covered Conductors (MV CC). The connector is watertight by silicone greased teeth. The nominal insulation thickness of the conductor can be between 2.3-4.0 mm.
Код поставщика SEW31
Класс ETIM EC001062 - Зажим/сжим ответвительный
Код РАЭК 1583469

MV CC 50-157 mm²

The SEW30 is used for temporary earthing for Medium Voltage Covered Conductors (MV CC). The connector is watertight by silicone greased teeth. The nominal insulation thickness of the conductor can be between 2.3-4.0 mm.
Код поставщика SEW30
Класс ETIM EC001062 - Зажим/сжим ответвительный
Код РАЭК 1583468

25-95 mm², tinned

PSS830 is used with live-line connectors SL30, SL30.1 and SL36, when branch conductor is copper. The sleeve is tin coated aluminium and it is installed into live-line clamp. The inner diameter of the sleeve is 16 mm (outer 18 mm).
Код поставщика PSS830
Класс ETIM EC001062 - Зажим/сжим ответвительный
Код РАЭК 1583141

Резьбовой кабельный ввод с метрической резьбой 27мм IP68 ABB
Резьбовой кабельный ввод с метрической резьбой 27мм IP68 ABB

Код поставщика 1SCA022734R5040
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 19216

Резьбовой кабельный ввод 22.5мм IP65 ABB
Резьбовой кабельный ввод 22.5мм IP65 ABB

Код поставщика 1SCA022399R0800
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 370751

Резьбовой кабельный ввод 20.5мм IP65 ABB
Резьбовой кабельный ввод 20.5мм IP65 ABB

Код поставщика 1SCA022656R8480
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 1150893

Резьбовой кабельный ввод 35мм IP65 ABB
Резьбовой кабельный ввод 35мм IP65 ABB

Код поставщика 1SCA022399R1010
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 374092

Резьбовой кабельный ввод 44мм IP65 ABB
Резьбовой кабельный ввод 44мм IP65 ABB

Код поставщика 1SCA022399R1100
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 357698

Резьбовой кабельный ввод с метрической резьбой пластик черный IP68 ABB
Резьбовой кабельный ввод с метрической резьбой пластик черный IP68 ABB

Код поставщика 7TCA296220R0064
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 1396973

Резьбовой кабельный ввод с метрической резьбой пластик черный IP68 ABB
Резьбовой кабельный ввод с метрической резьбой пластик черный IP68 ABB

Код поставщика 7TCA296220R0066
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 1396801

ENSTO Кабельный ввод / сальник Pg13.5, Cø 6-12 мм, длина резьбы 9 мм, полиамид
Кабельный ввод / сальник Pg13.5, Cø 6-12 мм, длина резьбы 9 мм, полиамид

Accessory for Ensto Cubo enclosures
Код поставщика KT24.13
Класс ETIM EC000441 - Резьбовой уплотнительный кабельный ввод (сальник/гермоввод)
Код РАЭК 1580785