Арматура кабельная, крепеж и аксессуары для кабеля

47478 товаров
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6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x35-95 mm² single core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes the shear head bolt cable connectors suitable both for aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint and shear head bolt connectors ...
Код поставщика HJ11.1202C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580373

12/20 (24) kV 185-300 mm² AHXAMK-W 3x1x-3x1x core with connectors

The joint kit is used for jointing of XLPE insulated medium voltage cables aluminium tape shield (AHXAMK-W). The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing components for three cores. The kit includes a shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning materials, cold shrink insulating tubes integrated stress control elements and heatshrinkable outer tubes. The kit contains also tubular copper net for shielding of the joint.
Код поставщика CJWH11.2404C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1579796

6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x185-400 mm² single core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ11.12045
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580377

6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x150-300 mm² single core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ11.1204
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580376

6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x95-240 mm² single core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max.12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ11.1203
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580374

6/10 (12) kV 1x-1x10-95 mm² single core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJ11.1201
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580370

6/10 (12) kV 3x-3x1x95-240 mm² belted paper three core to XLPE single core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV three core cables with belted paper insulation and lead or aluminium sheath, either armoured or non-armoured, to single cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink oil resistant tubes, stress control tubes, a semiconductive breakout, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint, ground copper braids, constant force ...
Код поставщика HJT31.1203
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580451

12/20 (24) kV 3x1x-3x1x150-300 mm² AHXAMK-W 3x single core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables with XLPE insulation and aluminium tape shield. The kit is suitable for AHXAMK-W cables, containing the components for three cores. The kit includes the shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also tubular Cu-wire braids and constant force springs for shielding of the ...
Код поставщика HJW11.2404C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580464

12/20 (24) kV 3x1x-3x1x150-300 mm² AHXAMK-W 3x single core without connector

Код поставщика HJW11.2404
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580463

12/20 (24) kV 3x-3x10-16 mm² EXCEL/FXCEL three core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV three core cables with Cu wire or mesh tape shield. The kit is suitable for universal cables EXCEL and FXCEL without tensioning. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJU33.2401
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580457

12/20 (24) kV 3x-3x70-95 mm²AXCES three core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV three core cables with Cu wire or mesh tape shield. The kit is suitable for universal cables AXCES without tensioning. The kit includes all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning and grinding materials, heat shrink stress control tubes, insulating and semiconductive tubes as well as sealing tubes. The kit contains also copper mesh tape for shielding of the joint. The cable connectors are not included.
Код поставщика HJU33.2402
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1580458

6/10 (12) kV Earth outtake from HJT31.12 to AHXAMK-W

The additional earthing kit is used for jointing of max. 12 kV three core cables with belted paper insulation and lead or aluminium sheath, either armoured or non-armoured, to AHXAMK-W cable using HJT31.12 type basic kit. The kit includes all the additional components needed for earthing: copper outlet and a connector to connect the metal sheath to the AHXAMK-W cable earth conductor.
Код поставщика SJEW10
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1583531

12/20 (24) kV 3x1x-3x25-95/Cu AHXAMK-W three core to three core with copper wire shield

The additional kit is used when jointing of max. 24 kV 3 core cables with copper wire shield to AHXAMK-W cables. HJW11 or CJWH type basic kit is needed. The kit includes all the additional components needed for jointing: heat shrink insulating tubes, a spreader cap, sealing mastic, a copper outlet conductor, copper braid tape.
Код поставщика SJEW42
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1583533

95 mm², Grey

SJ9.70 is compression joint for use to connect LV insulated overhead phase conductors. Tested according to full tension 85% self supporting system. Test voltage 6kV/50 Hz/1 min in water.
Код поставщика SJ9.95
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1583486

Наконечник ТАМ(с) 185-12 (КВТ)

Код поставщика 65689
Класс ETIM EC001053 - Наконечник кабельный обжимной для алюминиевых проводников
Код РАЭК 1243800

Наконечник ТАМ(с) 240-12 (КВТ)

Код поставщика 65690
Класс ETIM EC001053 - Наконечник кабельный обжимной для алюминиевых проводников
Код РАЭК 1319437

КВТ Наконечник ТАМ 10-8-5(сварные)
Наконечник ТАМ 10-8-5(сварные) (КВТ)

Код поставщика 58755
Класс ETIM EC001053 - Наконечник кабельный обжимной для алюминиевых проводников
Код РАЭК 1243801

Наконечник ТАМ 300-20-24(сварные) (КВТ)

Код поставщика 58756
Класс ETIM EC001053 - Наконечник кабельный обжимной для алюминиевых проводников
Код РАЭК 1243803

Наконечник ТАМ 16- 8-5,4(сварные) (КВТ)

Код поставщика 49769
Класс ETIM EC001053 - Наконечник кабельный обжимной для алюминиевых проводников
Код РАЭК 1319432

Наконечник ТАМ 35-10-8(сварные) (КВТ)

Код поставщика 49771
Класс ETIM EC001053 - Наконечник кабельный обжимной для алюминиевых проводников
Код РАЭК 1319434

Гильза ЭРА ГМЛ 185-21 медная луженая ГОСТ 23469.3-79

Гильза медная луженая ЭРА ГМЛ 185-21 используется для соединения медных жил проводов и кабелей с сечением до 240 мм² и применяется для кабелей напряжением до 10 кВ. Гильза ГМЛ изготавливаются из медной трубы марки М2. Высококачественное лужение с легирующими добавками висмута и олова гарантирует надежную защиту ...
Код поставщика Б0062605
Класс ETIM EC001059 - Гильза соединительная обжимная для медных проводников
Код РАЭК 2897001

Гильза ЭРА ГМЛ 10-5 медная луженая ГОСТ 23469.3-79

Гильза медная луженая ЭРА ГМЛ 10-5 используется для соединения медных жил проводов и кабелей с сечением до 10 мм² и применяется для кабелей напряжением до 10 кВ. Гильза ГМЛ изготавливаются из медной трубы марки М2. Высококачественное лужение с легирующими добавками висмута и олова гарантирует надежную защиту ...
Код поставщика Б0062574
Класс ETIM EC001059 - Гильза соединительная обжимная для медных проводников
Код РАЭК 2897109

ЭРА Гильза ГМ 16-6 медная ГОСТ 23469.3-79
Гильза ЭРА ГМ 16-6 медная ГОСТ 23469.3-79

Гильза медная ЭРА ГМ 16-6 используется для соединения медных жил проводов и кабелей с сечением до 16 мм² и применяется для кабелей напряжением до 10 кВ. Гильза ГМ изготавливаются из медной трубы марки М2. Силовые гильзы ЭРА серии ГМ произведены в соответствии с ГОСТ 23469.3-79. Гильзы по ГОСТ рассчитаны на кабели и провода ...
Код поставщика Б0062612
Класс ETIM EC001059 - Гильза соединительная обжимная для медных проводников
Код РАЭК 2897023

Гильза ЭРА ГМ 2,5-2,6 медная ГОСТ 23469.3-79

Гильза медная ЭРА ГМ 2,5-2,6 используется для соединения медных жил проводов и кабелей с сечением до 2,5 мм² и применяется для кабелей напряжением до 10 кВ. Гильза ГМ изготавливаются из медной трубы марки М2. Силовые гильзы ЭРА серии ГМ произведены в соответствии с ГОСТ 23469.3-79. Гильзы по ГОСТ рассчитаны на кабели и ...
Код поставщика Б0062608
Класс ETIM EC001059 - Гильза соединительная обжимная для медных проводников
Код РАЭК 2897003

6/10 (12) kV 240-400 mm² 12/20 (24) kV 185-300 mm² 1x-1x core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes a shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning materials, cold shrink insulating tubes integrated stress control elements and silicon outer tube loaded on spiral. The kit contains also tubular copper net for shielding of the joint.
Код поставщика CJ11.2404C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1579781

6/10 (12) kV 35-95 mm² 12/20 (24) kV 10-95 mm² 1x-1x core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes a shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning materials, cold shrink insulating tubes with integrated stress control elements and silicon outer tube loaded on spiral. The kit contains also tubular copper net for shielding of the joint.
Код поставщика CJ11.2402C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1579779

6/10 (12) kV 95-240 mm² 12/20 (24) kV 50-240 mm² 1x-1x core without connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit is without connectors. The kit includes: mastics, tapes, cleaning materials, cold shrink insulating tubes with integrated stress control elements and heatshrinkable outer tube. The kit contains also tubular copper net for shielding of the joint.
Код поставщика CJH11.2403
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1579783

6/10 (12) kV 240-400 mm² 12/20 (24) kV 185-300 mm² 1x-1x core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes a shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning materials, a cold shrink insulating tube integrated stress control elements and heatshrinkable outer tube. The kit contains also tubular copper net for shielding of the joint.
Код поставщика CJH11.2404C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1579786

6/10 (12) kV 95-240 mm² 12/20 (24) kV 70-240 mm² 1x-1x core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables with XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes a shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning materials, a cold shrink insulating tube with integrated stress control elements and heatshrinkable outer tube. The kit contains also tubular copper net for shielding of the joint.
Код поставщика CJH11.2403C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1579784

6/10 (12) kV 12/20 (24) kV 400-630 mm² 1x-1x core with connector

The joint kit is used for jointing of max. 24 kV cables XLPE insulation and copper wire shield. The kit is suitable for single core cables, containing the components for one core. The kit includes a shear head bolt cable connectors suitable for both aluminium and copper conductors, and all the components needed for jointing: mastics, tapes, cleaning materials, cold shrink insulating tubes integrated stress control elements and heatshrinkable outer tube. The kit contains also tubular copper net for shielding of the joint.
Код поставщика CJH11.2405C
Класс ETIM EC001169 - Муфта кабельная соединительная/ переходная
Код РАЭК 1579787